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Our Giving Pledge

When you invest with Inspire, you have the potential to create meaningful impact in the lives of people in need all over the world.

We believe that good returns and good values are not mutually exclusive. Not only do we invest in some of the most impactful companies in the world, but we also seek to be one of the most impactful companies in the world. One way we work to make a meaningful impact in the world is through generosity. Inspire Investing gives 50% of the net profits from our management fees and donates them to Christian charities through our Give50 campaign. That means that every dollar invested with Inspire is helping to inspire transformation throughout the world!

Total lifetime giving $493,372 as of 12/31/24

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People reached for the gospel is bringing hope to millions of people just like you around the United States. In the age of social media, it is easy to feel constantly connected but also very alone. Everything in life and in your world, including your relationships, can feel fake and inauthentic. It can seem like the whole world is screaming at you that you don't matter. Knowing who you are, why you exist, and that you are loved and have value makes a huge difference. God has given each of us hope, healing, and a purpose and we know He wants to do the same for you. Remember; when life hurts, Jesus cares.
World Help

Bibles given to the persecuted Church

The Bible is a precious gift. It reveals God’s plan for salvation and introduces a person to Jesus Christ.  The average cost to print, ship, and deliver a Bible into the hands of, for example, a Cuban man or woman—who will treasure it in ways that you and I probably don’t understand—is just $10. It’s a delight to partner with WorldHelp to spread the good news in such a tangible way.
IJM Logo

Cases of legal representation for the oppressed

Right now, more than 45 million people are enslaved worldwide. Children, women and men are trapped in forced labor or sexual slavery, where violence, deceit and abuse become their everyday. IJM partners with the local law enforcement and officials, aftercare professionals, NGOs, churches, students, parents, friends and scholars standing together to protect the poor from violence.
Heartbeat International Logo

Potential babies spared through pro-life counsel

With over 2,700 locations, Heartbeat International provides comprehensive pregnancy for woman. From seeing the flutter of the heartbeat on her first ultrasound, to teaching parenting classes or coordinating an adoption plan, and providing material aid throughout the pregnancy and beyond, they offer compassionate support so that no woman ever feels that abortion is her only option.
World Help

People provided with a clean water source

The clean water provided to the community in Nepal India was funded 100% by our Give50 program. When you invest with Inspire 50% of the proceeds we collect go directly to fund projects like this one. We aim to be an inspiring company that blesses those in need. It’s amazing what an impact financial stewardship for God’s glory can bring.
Samaritan Purse

Operation shoebox gifts delivered

The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world. Through this project, Samaritan’s Purse partners with the local church worldwide to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and make disciples of the nations.
The potential impact numbers are calculated using the firm’s total historical charitable giving (
Total lifetime giving $493,372 as of 12/31/24
) divided by the firm’s average annual AUM since inception ($1,198,895,887 billion as of 12/31/2024) in combination with the portfolio dollar value and expected annual rate of return indicated above. Actual donations may be higher or lower depending on growth rate, length of time assets are held at Inspire, and other factors. Donation amounts, performance, profit and other factors are not guaranteed. Calculation of donation pledge is (Income Since Inception – Expenses Since Inception)*50% -(Donations Since Inception). Inspire pays out donations from time to time, at least annually, based on funding needs of specific ministry projects. IMPACT DATA SOURCES: $15 provides clean water for 1 person; Cost per visitor to ($4.36 each); $5 provides one Bible to Christians in persecution; International Justice Mission: $105 to cover trial fees for one case defending a victim of human trafficking; $25 provides a shoebox to one child in need; $4 provides one pro-life consultant call to a frightened pregnant woman.

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