Feb 18, 2021

“Jesus Saves” On Display As Inspire Investing and Biola University Ring NYSE Opening Bell

Inspire Investing CEO, Robert Netzly, displays “Jesus Saves” sign on NYSE podium with guests from Biola University ringing the NYSE opening bell to celebrate the growth of the biblically responsible investing movement.
“Jesus Saves” On Display As Inspire Investing and Biola University Ring NYSE Opening Bell
Article by
Robert Netzly
“Jesus Saves” On Display As Inspire Investing and Biola University Ring NYSE Opening Bell

SAN JOSE,CA | ACCESSWIRE | February 18, 2021 — Inspire Investing, a global leader in the biblically responsible investing (BRI) industry, and Biola University’s Crowell School of Business, a leader in Christian business education, rang the opening bell of the New York Stock Exchange to celebrate the growth of the biblically responsible investing industry. During the bell ringing, Inspire CEO, Robert Netzly, held up a “Jesus Saves” sign for millions of live viewers around the globe to see. You can watch the bell ringing here.

“God is at work in the investing industry,” said Robert Netzly, CEO of Inspire Investing. “The biblically responsible investing movement is booming, our assets under management more than doubled last year to over $1.3 billion and more Christians than ever before are converting their investment dollars to support biblical values.”

Biola University’s Crowell School of Business is also taking an increasingly instrumental role in propelling the biblically responsible investing industry into the mainstream. Biola University’s Inspire Research Institute for Biblically Responsible Investing, led by Shane Enete, PhD, CFA, is the first research institute dedicated to publishing peer-reviewed, academic research specifically related to biblically responsible investing. Biola University is also starting up a student investment fund this year that will be committed to a biblically responsible investing mandate, using the Inspire Insight investment screening technology and globally recognized Inspire Impact Score as the measure for biblical values alignment for securities in the portfolio.

About Inspire Investing
Inspire Investing is a leading provider of biblically responsible, faith-based ESG investments and creator of the globally recognized Inspire Impact Score™ which is used by investors around the world to measure the biblical alignment of their investments according to Biblically Responsible Investing (BRI) principles. For more information, visit

About Biola University’s Crowell School of Business

Biola University’s Crowell School of Business prepares students and professionals with a mind for business and a heart for Christ. It is their mission to foster business prowess grounded in Christian principle. At Crowell, students gain the skills and strategies needed to succeed in business while developing as an ethical, tone-setting leader.

Eric Smyth

Investment advisory services offered through CWM Advisors, LLC dba Inspire, a Registered Investment Advisor with the SEC. Inspire and Biola University are not affiliated.

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*Advisory Services are offered through Inspire Investing, LLC, a Registered Investment Adviser with the SEC. All expressions of opinion are subject to change. This article is distributed for educational purposes, and it is not to be construed as an offer, solicitation, recommendation, or endorsement of any particular security, products, or services. Investors should talk to their financial advisor prior to making any investment decision.
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“Jesus Saves” On Display As Inspire Investing and Biola University Ring NYSE Opening Bell
Feb 18, 2021

“Jesus Saves” On Display As Inspire Investing and Biola University Ring NYSE Opening Bell

Inspire Investing CEO, Robert Netzly, displays “Jesus Saves” sign on NYSE podium with guests from Biola University ringing the NYSE opening bell to celebrate the growth of the biblically responsible investing movement.
“Jesus Saves” On Display As Inspire Investing and Biola University Ring NYSE Opening Bell
Article by
Robert Netzly

SAN JOSE,CA | ACCESSWIRE | February 18, 2021 — Inspire Investing, a global leader in the biblically responsible investing (BRI) industry, and Biola University’s Crowell School of Business, a leader in Christian business education, rang the opening bell of the New York Stock Exchange to celebrate the growth of the biblically responsible investing industry. During the bell ringing, Inspire CEO, Robert Netzly, held up a “Jesus Saves” sign for millions of live viewers around the globe to see. You can watch the bell ringing here.

“God is at work in the investing industry,” said Robert Netzly, CEO of Inspire Investing. “The biblically responsible investing movement is booming, our assets under management more than doubled last year to over $1.3 billion and more Christians than ever before are converting their investment dollars to support biblical values.”

Biola University’s Crowell School of Business is also taking an increasingly instrumental role in propelling the biblically responsible investing industry into the mainstream. Biola University’s Inspire Research Institute for Biblically Responsible Investing, led by Shane Enete, PhD, CFA, is the first research institute dedicated to publishing peer-reviewed, academic research specifically related to biblically responsible investing. Biola University is also starting up a student investment fund this year that will be committed to a biblically responsible investing mandate, using the Inspire Insight investment screening technology and globally recognized Inspire Impact Score as the measure for biblical values alignment for securities in the portfolio.

About Inspire Investing
Inspire Investing is a leading provider of biblically responsible, faith-based ESG investments and creator of the globally recognized Inspire Impact Score™ which is used by investors around the world to measure the biblical alignment of their investments according to Biblically Responsible Investing (BRI) principles. For more information, visit

About Biola University’s Crowell School of Business

Biola University’s Crowell School of Business prepares students and professionals with a mind for business and a heart for Christ. It is their mission to foster business prowess grounded in Christian principle. At Crowell, students gain the skills and strategies needed to succeed in business while developing as an ethical, tone-setting leader.

Eric Smyth

Investment advisory services offered through CWM Advisors, LLC dba Inspire, a Registered Investment Advisor with the SEC. Inspire and Biola University are not affiliated.